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The More-In-Me Movement Story Part 2: What Does It Entail?

Over the last couple years this notion of more-in-me has been stuck in my head. It has inspired me to test my abilities and take on new challenges. I’ve come to realize that I have a lot more potential, more than I realized. By staying open to possibility and being willing to experiment, I have even more to discover. Launching The More-In-Me Movement requires me finding more-in-ME. I want to share what I’ve learned in service of you finding more-in-YOU.

While having a possibilitarian outlook and system disrupter attitude are part of my nature, these two traits have also been nurtured by my education and training – leadership development, personal, relationship and team coaching, my master’s degree with a focus on mentoring program development, research and writing, yoga teacher training including yoga for mood and yoga for athletes, community change and social innovation practices, and my many athletic endeavors. All this in addition to a 20yr corporate career in marketing and human resources.

I am very fortunate to have been able to take this training and participate in so many activities that have fortified my spirit and widened my perspective.

And I’ve wondered, how do I take all that I’ve learned out into the world? How can I inspire people to take on their own experiments? To develop their sense of possibility and be willing to disrupt their status quo in service of finding more in them? This is what the More-In-Me Movement is intended to do. Here’s what to watch for initially:Regular inspiration and ideas on social media.

🌟 Practical tools and resources.

🌟 Sharing stories. Lots of stories because we learn from each other’s experiences.

🌟 Research on finding more-in-me based on hearing these stories from each other. You can contribute to the research by sharing your story here.

🌟 Community based conversations and activities to connect people and get them moving.

🌟 Projects co-created with colleagues.

While some elements already exist or are in the works, other activities will unfold over time. I have given myself permission to grow the movement organically rather than have it all figured out ‘perfectly’ in advance. It’s about you so I need to learn from you and figure out as we go what will be the most valuable. I want to hear your ideas and comments as well. Since a movement is defined as an effort by many to achieve something, let’s rally together in service of all us.

From the bottom of my heart and in my gut, I know that every person has more in her or him. That each of us has what it takes to accomplish more than we have before. It may be a little. It may be a lot. It may take time. One tiny step is movement.

You might have to work hard.

You might need help along the way

Most importantly, you can do it. You have your unique ‘more-in-me’ yet to be discovered.

Let’s move together towards whatever that might be.

The More-In-Me Movement Story Part 1: What Is It?

The More-In-Me Movement Story Part 3: My ‘More-In-Me’ Story

Join me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
We’ll move into possibility together!

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