Life is about learning.
We are always in the process of becoming.
Learning is a whole person experience. Literally. We are able to take in information and synthesize new ideas best when our body, breath and mind are in motion. And that’s what I do with my audience - get them moving. Shifting their energy, moving their bodies and expanding their minds. Then they’re able to move into possibility.

Using my distinct personal style of storytelling, experiential learning and audience participation, my goal is always to leave people with their own sense of possibility and at least one practical idea to put into action right away.
My approach to facilitation and speaking is informed by my education and background in leadership development and mentoring, relationship systems and team coaching, community change and social innovation, teaching and training, yoga and eastern philosophy along with my many athletic endeavours and my wild fascination with what’s possible.
Expand Your Mindset, Expand Your Possibilities
▷ 2 Hours
Mindset is like a dial setting on your brain. Your mindset influences your potential and opportunities. The types of conversations you have with yourself — positive and open or fixed and critical — determine your ability to learn, adapt and grow. Accessing untapped potential, getting unstuck and moving into possibility requires a growth mindset. The good news is that you can change your dial setting!
- Understand the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset
- Become aware of their default mindset and the thinking patterns that contribute to this mindset
- Learn simple practical tools and activities to expand thinking and see options and opportunities
- Discover how to increase energy, fuel creativity and nurture possibility through a growth mindset
This workshop is well suited to leadership development initiatives, problem solving groups, cross functional teams, community organizations & professional development conferences.
Mapping the Critical Relations in Your Developmental Network
▷ 2 Hours
Who are the people in your network that you turn to for guidance, feedback and support? Where are the gaps in your network?
This workshop helps participants answer these questions and provides the opportunity to create a map and literally see their developmental network.
Often developmental network happens by chance more than design and yet having community of support is essential to your growth and development. Taking the time to map out this network helps you identify those key people available and identify gaps, enabling you to think strategically about what additional support would be helpful given your current personal and professional goals.
- learn how to think strategically about their professional network, considering factors such as current goals, network diversity, social capital and various types and roles of developmental relationships
- create a professional network map identifying network strengths and gaps
- identify ways to expand their network and ideas for finding and connecting with the right people.
This workshop is ideal for professional organizations, leadership development initiatives, mentoring programs and community groups.
Overcoming Energy Drainers Workshop
▷ 2.5 Hours
Energy is renewable. Our energy levels provide the basis for our ability to function in our work, family and all aspects of our life. Energy drainers are typically related to things that we feel we can’t do anything about or situations that cause us to feel overwhelmed. To be motivated, we need to become aware of what drains our energy and the impact on our ability to function. From there we can start to see the choices that are available to us and identify actions to get energy flowing and moving into possibility.
In this experiential and practical workshop participants will:
- Increase awareness of activities, circumstances and/or people that drain energy and zap motivation.
- Recognize their patterns that cause them to feel stuck or unable to take action.
- Learn specific skills and tools to manage their energy and associated mood – whether feeling down and depressed or uptight and anxious.
- Identify options and concrete actions to become unstuck and tap into internal reserves of lasting motivation.
This workshop fits well in professional industry conferences, leadership development initiatives, and community organizations.